Cabinet Members of the Government of the State of Kuwait:

  • Prime Minister:
    His Excellency Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah AL-SABAH

  • First Deputy Prime Minister, Defense Minister and Interior Minister:
    His Excellency Sheikh Fahad Yousuf Saud AL-SABAH

  • Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs:
    His Excellency Shereeda Abdullah AL-MOUSHERJI

  • Deputy Prime Minister and Oil Minister:
    His Excellency Dr. Imad Mohammad AL-ATIQI

  • Minister of Information and Culture:
    His Excellency Abdulrahman Bdah AL-MUTAIRI

  • Minister of Health:
    His Excellency Dr. Ahmad Abdulwahab AL-AWADHI

  • Minister of Finance, and Minister of State for Economic and Investment Affairs:
    His Excellency Dr. Anwar Ali AL-MUDHAF

  • Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research:
    His Excellency Dr. Adel Mohammad AL-ADWANI

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs:
    His Excellency Abdullah Ali AL-YAHYA

  • Minister of Public Works and Minister of Municipality Affairs:
    Her Excellency Dr. Noura Mohammad AL-MASHAAN

  • Minister of Justice and Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs:
    His Excellency Dr. Mohammad Ibrahim AL-WASMI

  • Minister of Commerce and Industry, and Minister of State for Communication Affairs:
    His Excellency Omar Saud AL-OMAR

  • Minister of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy, and Minister of State for Housing Affairs:
    His Excellency Dr. Mohammad Abdulaziz BUSHEHRI

  • Minister of Social Affairs, Labor, Family Affairs and Childhood and Minister of State for Youth Affairs:
    Her Excellency Dr. Amthal Hadi AL-HUWAILAH

  • 12th, May 2024